Hair Tips, To Grow With Fertile

Healthy Tips - General health problems caused nutrients mistake early symptoms can be seen from hair loss. A lack of vitamins and minerals is only slight, already signs of hair loss.

In this age of almost instantaneous, over 75 percent of hair problems from the use of the chemical element of hair care products. This is why many people start switch with natural products from plants that are environmentally friendly and without chemical elements.
Hair Tips
In principle, the essential elements of hair tips manufacturers can be obtained from the daily food intake. Eat healthy food is not to exceed 100 percent of hair loss, but it can reduce hair loss becomes more severe.

So what nutrients must be met to get strong and free hair hair loss?

Here are some Hair Tips To Grow With Fertile:


Hair consists of a protein layer. Therefore, you should not your hair a lack of nutrients that. Proteins play a role in hair growth with Fertile serves to improve the hairline. Lack of protein intake can cause hair loss and brittle.

Milk soy products, fish, meat and protein, a protein source, you can consume each day. A European study indicated that soy can proetin strengthen and stimulate hair growth up to 15 percent.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, the damaged cells that cause the loss of hair, to repair. Vitamin C also helps to facilitate the flow of blood in the hair growth. Sources of vitamin C you can get fresh fruits like oranges, grapes, broccoli, strawberries, and more.

Vitamin B

In addition to preventing hair loss, Vitmain B for the elasticity of the hair. Such as vitamin C, is used to facilitate hair growth Vitmain B also on the blood circulation in the process. Source Vitmain B you can get Serela wheat, salmon, fat meat, bananas, cheese and much more.


Normally, the loss of hair due to the absence of iron absorption in the body. Iron helps the protein to the hair root, which are not easy to fall to strengthen. Source of iron can be obtained in foods such as meat, eggs, peas, beans, and others.


This mineral is also important in improving hair loss. Copper plays a role in the pigmentation of the hair to have a natural color. Foods that contain copper, among others, shellfish, nuts and green vegetables.

The zinc / zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral other than copper is needed in the hair growth process. Zinc deficiency can also lead to hair loss. Zinc keep the strength of the hair roots and hair shaft, not easily fall and dissolutions. Source foods containing zinc, among others, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, chicken, shrimp, and more.

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